Getting Your Home Ready to Sell

Getting your home ready to sell is the first step when listing your home with a real estate agent. Putting your best foot forward will help you sell your home quickly and for top dollar. Here are a few tips to get your home on the market. 


1 Choose a listing day

Don’t feel pressure to put your home on the market right away. Give yourself a weekend or two for completing repairs or a few weeks for larger projects. Make a list of what needs to be done and set a reasonable deadline. 

2 Clean House

Don’t let odors, dirty floors, or dusty surfaces make a bad first impression on a potential buyer. Before listing your home (and throughout the selling process), give everything a deep cleaning. Consider calling professionals to help ensure that your place is in pristine condition.

3 get a second opinion 

It is easy to overlook issues in your home. You may have lived with a door that won’t shut or trim that’s not painted, so these things might go unnoticed. Prospective buyers will see these issues, however. Invite a friend over and ask them to be honest about how your house looks inside and out. They might mention things you’ve never even thought of—use their suggestions as your to-do list. 

4 Open up the Space

It’s almost impossible for people to look past clutter. Take time to pack away personal knick knacks, toys, and extra furniture that might make rooms look small. This isn’t a garage sale, it’s a house sale so show off your house! Everything should add to the overall design of the home; if it doesn’t, move it out. Consider renting a temporary storage unit if you need more space.

5 Don’t underestimate staging

People are better able to envision their life inside a potential home when furniture and design elements showcase the home’s best features. While you love the way your home is set up, there might be a better, more attractive way to arrange your rooms. A quick Google search on home staging will offer you pages of free advice. And remember, “staging” doesn’t have to be complicated. It could be as simple as purchasing clean kitchen towels or new bath mats to be put out right before a showing. 

6 Freshen up with Paint

A fresh coat of paint will transform your home. Dings and scratches disappear and walls are vibrant again. Just make sure you stick to neutral colors. You might like bright pink, but the new owners may not. This isn’t your home anymore, it is an asset, so don’t worry about your personal preferences. You’re moving to a new home soon—there will be plenty of creative space there! 

7 Focus on curb appeal

The outside of your home makes the first impression so give it proper attention. Sometimes people won’t even enter a home if they don’t like the exterior. Give the walls and roof a thorough power-washing and complete any minor repairs. Lay out fresh mulch, sod that bare patch in the lawn, remove toys and excessive ornaments, and make sure the lawn is mowed. You never know when someone will drive by. 

8 Time for a showing 

Finally all that hard work paid off and someone wants to see you home! Now what? Have a plan in place. At this point, you’ve already decluttered and deep cleaned, but before you rush out so your real estate agent can show the home, here are a few quick tasks: 

•  Clean all dishes and put them away—empty the dishwasher as well 

•  Make the beds 

•  Put clothes away—make sure no laundry is in the washer or dryer 

•  Vacuum and sweep every room

•  Wipe down all counters, sinks, and appliances

•  Have clean and unused linens ready to put out right before a showing