Keeping Cool Through the Holidays

The holidays are upon us and with them come visits from family and friends, happily leaving the bad weather behind them. Though our balmy 80-plus degree days are a welcome change, an unwelcome one is when our air conditioners give up the ghost, leaving a houseful of uncomfortable guests. Prevent such an occurrence now by prepping your HVAC system for the season ahead. Here are some professional tips on keeping your cool over the holidays.


Pick a reputable HVAC company

Check their references, look at their testimonials on their website and choose a company with years of experience. You don’t want to just pick the least expensive option, but a company who will know how to maintain and fix your system in the event of a problem and who stand behind their work with guarantees and warranties.

Schedule regular maintenance

Twice a year is recommended. The work should be done by an experienced technician, who can drain and clear the system’s lines, fix any problems and ensure that your system is running properly.

Consider getting a maintenance contract 

Such a contract will usually mean discounted service calls (even after-hours) as well as discounts on parts and products. Contracts should cover all parts of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning HVAC system including registers, ductwork, air filters, and humidification controls.

Change your filter every month 

Changing the air filters regularly allows air to flow properly and will also reduce or eliminate allergens, germs, and dust. This simple chore is the most cost-effective way to reduce the chances of a serious system failure. 


Set your system to “Auto”

Leaving it set to “On” can mean the constantly running fan can overwork the system.

Buy a surge protector

Florida is the lighting capital of the world and a lighting strike can destroy your HVAC system or ruin a part that will decide to stop working at the most inopportune moment.

Realize your HVAC system has a limited lifespan 

Salt water humidity in the air, as well as algae that develops from our Gulfside location and the aforementioned lighting strikes and power surges can shorten the life of your HVAC system. In Florida, HVAC equipment lasts approximately 8-10 years. Most reputable companies will offer a free system evaluation. Consider upgrading your unit from a 10-SEER to 14-SEER. This upgrade alone can reduce your air conditioning costs more than 25 percent.
Headed North yourself? Before visiting the grandkids, have your HVAC system checked out to make sure nothing is leaking to prevent mold and mildew. To help keep your own cool when you get the post-holiday utility bills, realize for every degree setting below 78°F, you can spend up to 8 percent more in cooling costs. Give overly warm guests individual room fans (or even battery-operated table fans) and chilly guests some comfy throw blankets and keep everyone’s hands (except yours) off the thermostat. Here’s to comfortable and happy holidays for all!

At General Air & Plumbing, we offer everything from air conditioning, air duct and plumbing maintenance and repair, to annual inspections and seasonal preparation, top-notch service is offered to everyone.

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